Horoscope Cancer December 2014

Most of the planets are in the West and your 7th House is an important house of power this month. This is a yearly social peak. There is, temporarily, less independence and self- reliance and a greater need to cultivate the good graces of others. Your way is probably not the best way during this period. Adapt to situations rather than trying to force change. Avoid power struggles as much as possible.

The planetary power makes an important shift to the upper half of your horoscope later in the month. Thus, as the months go by, career and outer achievement will become ever more important to you. Your ambitions are strengthened.

Solar Eclipse of the 25th is a powerful one, cancer, affecting many areas of your life. Do take a reduced schedule two days before and one day after. This is a time of year when many of you will be travelling. Try to schedule your travels around this period. Activities that don't have to be done d only you can decide this isn't off rescheduled.

The solar eclipse affects your love life and/or marriage. Whatever your marital state, the flaws in these areas will be revealed dramatic and perhaps disruptive always you can make the necessary changes. Understand that the eclipse doesn't create anything new but brings out what was always there and which you have been ignoring or sweeping under the carpet. The time for action one way or another has come. Good relationships and marriages will only improve because of the eclipse. Irreparably flawed marriages and relationships will dissolve. Singles who are miserable in their single state will become acutely aware of this misery and take steps in the coming momentous change this condition. Singles who are happily single will not be affected.

The Sun is also your financial Planet. Thus, the Solar Eclipse is going to bring needed changes in your financial life. Investments could change as flaws in these things will be revealed. Many of you will change your investment strategy, or financial advisors, brokers and banks. A business partnership comes under review. This is all to the good. This Eclipse also affects Mercury, the Lord of both your 12th and 3rd Houses. Thus students will face some educational crisis, or change schools or teachers. Relations with neighbours and siblings could change for the long term. Those on a spiritual path (the 12th House) will change gurus or meditative practices. The eclipse will stimulate your dream life, but don't give too much credence to these images, as many of them are just 'psychic flotsam and jetsam' stirred up by the eclipse.

Horoscope Cancer December 2014