Horoscope Cancer September 2014

Most of the planets are still below the Horizon of your chart. Mars, your Career Planet, moves ever closer to the lowest point (nadir) of your chart, day by day. Your 4th House of Home and Family is a major house of power during this period. The message is clear: Career issues are less important. Home and family issues are most important. The affairs of your eldest child seem especially pressing. The new Moon of the 27th occurs in your 4th House and will clarify more the effortfulness family issues that confront you. This month you foster your career by shoring up and strengthening your home base.

With Venus in your 4th house, for most of the month this is an excellent period for family get-togethers, entertaining from home, decorating the home and buying objects of beauty for the home.

This month tour the 2222nd E is an important shift of planetary power from the Eastern to the Western sector. This represents a psychological shift in yourself. This is an important month. Gradually you will start to exercise the social gifts and graces more and more. You will depend less on yourself and your own independent powers and more on the cooperation of other people. Life will start to present you with situations over which you have little control and you will be forced to adapt to them.

Your important areas of interest will be neighbours, siblings, short-hop travel, communication and intellectual interests, home and family, children, creativity, amusement, love affairs, and the deeper things of life, personal transformation, debt and its repayment, helping others prosper, and the libido.

Finances will be strong all month but become absolutely super-charged after the 22nd. Your Money Planet receives beautiful aspects from all of the long-term plants. Money comes easily and effortlessly om family members or family connections, property or industries that cater to the home. You almost can't avoid getting rich during this period. You are also spending more on the home right now.

Health is strong, but rests and relax more after the 22nd.

The retrograde of your Love Planet on the 12th shows that love needs time to develop. Your social confidence is not as strong as usual. A current relationship seems on hold.

Horoscope Cancer September 2014