Horoscope for Gemini for June 2014

The transit of Mercury this month up until the 17th will help you focus more on the material aspects of your life and anything concerning the family. You can expect a need to review things with those close to you and especially with the younger members among them.

You will have a way of skilfully burying the hatchet and smoothing things over, thanks to a trine from Mars to your sign, enabling you to dodge the flak, if flak there is. Conversely, it will give those you deal with a dignified exit strategy, if they are in the wrong! There will be the prospect of festivities in the second and third week of the month. On the other hand, be careful with anything relating to work of an intellectual nature from 18th June. The transit of Mercury could make you absent-minded and even prone to making mistakes! Fortune will be on your side in your love-life during the second two weeks. The influence of Venus in semi-square aspect to your sign will push your love-life in the direction of acquiring a broader vision of things, making you more pragmatic than is your wont too. You will shed your illusions fairly effortlessly.

Horoscope for Gemini for June 2014