Horoscope Virgo December 2014

Mercury, your Ruler, crosses over to the Western hemisphere of your chart on the 3rd. It joins six other planets in that sector, making the West much stronger than the East. Adapt to situations, compromise and seek consensus in all things. Independence and self-will are not virtues right now and will probably get you nowhere. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a door mat for others or that you allow yourself to be abused – only that you exercise social grace in getting your way.
Between 70 and 80 per cent of the planets are below the Horizon of your chart – including Mercury, your Ruler – so focus on finding your emotional comfort zone and all else will follow from there.

Your important areas of interest this month are the home and family, children, parties, entertainment, speculations and love affairs, and health and work.

Rest and relax more until the 21st. Do all you can to maximize your energy. Pace yourself, work within a rhythm and focus only on essentials.

The Solar Eclipse of the 25th is mixed for you. Take a reduced schedule. Though the Eclipse itself is benign, it does affect Mercury, your Ruler. Thus there are image changes, redefinitions of the personality, and perhaps physical changes. Those of you who are mindful of your diet need not fear the physical cleansings – the Eclipse will probably manifest as a change in image and personality. Those of you who are not careful about diet might be shown why you need to be. The Eclipse occurs in your 5th House. Thus a love affair that has outlived its usefulness could dissolve. There are changes with children – probably very natural ones – such as a child graduating, going off to university, getting married, etc. Children and children’s issues swallow up much of your time, attention and energy.

Finances seem excellent all month. Until the 8th they come easily, through creativity or speculations. Perhaps you have a brilliant idea – or meet someone significant – at a party, sporting event or nightclub. Money comes as you are having fun and enjoying life. After the 8th money comes through work and service. Your partner or spouse can present you with a happy financial surprise (or big-ticket item) on the 12th. Sudden money comes on the 24th as well – perhaps from your employer (a bonus) or through a co-worker.

Love seems status quo, though singles may meet someone special around the 12th and 24th.

Horoscope Virgo December 2014